23 Jan, 2018

Gift of Life’s “AEPi Month” Update

23 Jan, 2018

As you may remember, October 2017 was AEPi Month for Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry. The results are in! During the month-long campaign, AEPi brothers added more than 1,000 new donors to Gift of Life’s registry.

To do so, more than 25 chapters held 30 swabbing drives on their campuses, brothers swabbed the entire chapter following weekly chapter meetings and some groups held proceed nights with local restaurants.

Gift of Life, committed to curing blood cancer through bone marrow transplants, and AEPi teamed up in 2004. Since then, brothers, their friends and their campus communities have gladly joined the registry with the potential to save a life. In 2015, AEPi’s Official Philanthropy Program dedicated $100,000 to Gift of Life through 2019.

Since the partnership began:

– 58 potentially life-saving transplants
– 380 matches found
– Nearly 11,000 donors registered

“This was an incredible month!” said Russell Lowe, community engagement coordinator at Gift of Life. “We will continue working with AEPi to get more chapters involved, more donors registered and save more lives.”

Thank you to every chapter and brother that made this campaign so successful!

Interested in hosting a Gift of Life drive on your campus?

The Gift of Life Campus Ambassador Program (CAP) enlists students for a paid internship to run cheek swab drives on campus. By reaching out to your friends, clubs and the campus organizations you’re involved with, you have the potential to reach a lot of people – all of whom could save a life. It’s a pretty sweet gig. Hang out with your friends, get paid and make a difference in the world. Apply today.
