13 Aug, 2017

AEPi Stands Strong Against Hate

13 Aug, 2017

“Yesterday’s events in Charlottesville, VA are a shocking and disgusting reminder of the need to have the courage and leadership to stand up to anti-Semitism and hate in all forms.

Alpha Epsilon Pi stands strong against hate on 190 campuses around the world. Being strong advocates for our Jewish communities and developing leadership is our best weapon to combat such intolerance.

Our brothers and house at the University of Virginia are safe and our hearts go out to those affected by yesterday’s violence. We must all redouble our efforts to make our campuses and communities safer and to work together to heal the world.”

Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) is the world’s Jewish college fraternity, operating chapters on more than 190 college campuses in seven countries. Founded in 1913, AEPi has more than 90,000 living alumni. While non-discriminatory, the fraternity’s mission – developing the future leaders of the Jewish communities – is demonstrated every day through acts of brotherhood, Tzedakah (charity), social awareness and support for Jewish communities and Israel.
